and Sky Sports Cricket

Laithwaites paired wines
and cricket for The Ashes
on Sky Sports

What a partnership! Absolutely delighted to be joining forces with England Cricket and Sky Sports. At such an exciting time for England Cricket, it’s a perfect time to reach out and quench the thirst of wine lovers across the country

James Morrison, Head of Brand at Laithwaites.

A Perfect Pairing: Laithwaites & Sky Sports

Increase in awareness vs closest competitor compared to non-viewers
Increase in cut through vs competitors
Of viewers recall seeing the idents

The Challenge

Laithwaites sought to reach one of their target audience of cricket enthusiasts and to extend their event partnership to broadcast.

With 84% of Sky Sports cricket audience being between 18-44 years of age, Laithwaites pairing is perfectly placed to reach the desired audience they seek. With the added benefit of live-action highlights and news coverage, and 70% of Sky Sports Cricket audience consuming content on their mobile devices or tablets.

Laithwaites were also aiming to drive more awareness to the cricket audience, with brand image in mind, connecting the two loves for wine and cricket. The Sponsorship best communicates that “Laithwaites goes to great lengths to deliver great wines”.

The Idea

Sky Sports have had the rights to England home Cricket for years, we have a dedicated cricket audience, and with the Ashes being in the UK this year, it made for a very exciting summer of cricket.

Laithwaites are an ECB partner for cricket, and so the sponsorship was a good way to round out a 360 partnership. The cricket audience is also a key one for Laithwaites.

The Plan

The plan for this sponsorship involved reaching an array of platforms, which was hugely beneficial for any brand that took up this opportunity. The choices of a multi-platform sponsorship was decided using Linear & VOD.

Cricket (The Ashes) on Sky Sports is a conducive environment for Laithwaites to reach, communicate and influence relevant consumers.

The Results

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